Our Approach

Practical application of statistical techniques to rapidly acquire product and process knowledge


As practitioners, the consultants at Six Sigma Solutions International have found that understanding statistical tools alone is not sufficient for a successful business improvement program. An effective program develops the candidates’ critical thinking skills while they build proficiency in the tools associated with any improvement model.

Instead of focusing solely on the six sigma mechanics and the eloquent use of statistical techniques, our proven approach focuses on critical thought and taking results to the bottom line of your business. We teach an understanding of the intent of the tools, focus on why and when each tool should be used, and most significantly, develop the critical thinking skills required to be truly effective as a Green or Black Belt. We accomplish our goals by using the Socratic teaching method and by performing aggressive project reviews during each week of the training.

Our approach results in candidates who achieve business results in a wide variety of situations, and a program that does not fizzle as soon as the consultants are gone.


The training focuses on application of the methodology and achieving results that return value to the business vs. developing an academic understanding of the mechanics of the statistical methods.

The training material and examples are customized each week to meet the specific needs of the client vs. using a generic training deck that contains irrelevant examples.

We use a limited number of consultants who have a proven track record of applying these concepts across a wide variety of industries and project types. This enables our training to be dynamic and interactive in nature, resulting in a course that is exciting and relevant to the participants.

The participants level of success is based on their ability to apply the methodology to the problems they encounter in their day to day activities. Our consultants provide unlimited telephone and e-mail support as part of the participants training costs.

Training Support

Everyone who attends the Black Belt and Green Belt training sessions are provided free email and phone support on their current and future projects.

We feel that applying the methodolgy to real business problems is a critical component of the learning process and want to be heavily involved in the particiants project work.

At Six Sigma Solutions International, we establish long term relationships with the people who attend our training sessions. We enjoy discussing additional projects that our particiants are working on and providing insight into how they can continue to use the methodology.

Project Work

All of the consultants at Six Sigma Solutions International have extensive experience applying the methodolgy in a variety of industries. While a significant portion of our time is spent in the class room, our passion is using the tools and techniques to solve problems.

Many of our clients utilize our consultants to provide on site project support for difficult, business critical issues. These services include assessing new suppliers, evaluating business capabilities, reviewing engineering studies, and analyzing complicated data sets.

Please contact us if you have specific questions regarding these services.

Contact Us


  Tampa, Florida
  Phoenix, Arizona
  Cincinnati, Ohio
  Orange County, California


  +1 (813) 300-5170

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